We're two sisters who are craft book publishers and found ourselves in the midst of an avocado grove. We bought this house where we planned to conduct our publishing business and in the deal got 4 acres of avocado trees thrown in. Now we're not only publishers but ranchers as well! This blog is all about avocados and anything else that strikes my fancy.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sepia Saturday 149 One More Photobomb

I just had to share this wonderful example of a photobomb (from our theme from last week). You might have already seen it because it's been all over the news, but just in case, here it is.

President Obama was visiting with some school children during one of his many campaign stops this past week and this photo was taken of the event:

He didn't realize that he was being upstaged by the little boy in the back row:

Now that's what I call the perfect photobomb.

For stories that follow this week's theme (which I did in a second post) click here Sepia Saturday.


  1. This is just perfect! I love it!

  2. This picture didn't make it all the way to this side of the North Sea. But it should have! Very sweet.
    Some of the kids seem to look at something that is happening behind Obama's back. Maybe it was a security agent hiding there??

  3. Didn't see that but then I ignore most Obama coverage and we mute the TV when he is on...But the kids are precious.

  4. So cute! That boy has a future ahead of him - next President?

  5. That boy was a real opportunist! Quick, whilst they're all looking at that man on the front row!

  6. I hadn't seen this. Priceless! Wonder what each of their parents had to say to them after school!

  7. Too funny, thanks for sharing. The teacher looks to have her eye on the action, I wonder what she is about to say!
