We're two sisters who are craft book publishers and found ourselves in the midst of an avocado grove. We bought this house where we planned to conduct our publishing business and in the deal got 4 acres of avocado trees thrown in. Now we're not only publishers but ranchers as well! This blog is all about avocados and anything else that strikes my fancy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nostalgic Chip and Dip Sets

I was remembering fondly the old chip and dip sets we've all had at one time or another. Or remember Lazy Susans? That's another entertaining dish from our past. Well, guess what? You can still find these sets around - either at garage sales, thrift stores, antique stores or estate sales. But I've saved you from running around looking for the perfect set. The following are some that I found on Etsy. I've chosen five that I thought were really fun, very nostalgic and very functional too, I might add.  When planning your next party you'll definitely have to use a chip and dip set for your guacamole.

Don't you love the color of this set? It's absolutely gorgeous. So bright and sunny. It's from modapple.

And here's a set that's called mid modern. It reminds me of something Frank Lloyd Wright would have had on his dining room table, don't you think? Check out this set at needorwant.

And if you're a real fan of the fifties, you're going to love this pretty in pink set from heyfriends:

This is another nostalgic set very reminiscent of the 50s. This one is from tinymontgomery

The next set I'm featuring is actually a good old-fashioned Lazy Susan - with space for guacamole right in the center, chips and veggies in their oh so turquoise individual bowls surrounding the dip. This set is from plaidponyvintage.

Hope you've enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane with these nostalgic servers. If you're interested in any of the above sets, just click on the link which will take right to that seller's shop.

Check in tomorrow. I think I'll have a shot of the hummingbird and crow together.

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